El buen aprendiz/ The good Apprentice
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While I was having a little break time on Saturday I started just thinking about random things and I remember that a few days ago I wrote something on a paper while I was in school. That day I had finished my work and suddenly just decided to start writting and writting; so when I remember the existence of that paper I started looking for it and then I read it in my break time.. so I decided to share a little bit about it:
Just now, I realized that the way I wrote this was so unexpected that literally just grabbed a paper and a pen and started writting, so it is in spanish because that is my language and I don't think I should change it or translate it because it could take a different sense or way to what I wrote.
I guess I was feeling really inspired but I don't even remember what was I inspired with... (deep breathe) I Supposed it doesn't really matter because I just wrote a pretty interesting lines right there.
While I was having a little break time on Saturday I started just thinking about random things and I remember that a few days ago I wrote something on a paper while I was in school. That day I had finished my work and suddenly just decided to start writting and writting; so when I remember the existence of that paper I started looking for it and then I read it in my break time.. so I decided to share a little bit about it:
Día a día aprendemos algo nuevo, aunque muchas veces lo hagamos inconscientemente. Aprendemos, de las personas a nuestro alrededor, aprendemos de nuestras situaciones, aprendemos del día a día.
Pero solo pocas son las personas que saben aprender y se convierten en un verdadero aprendiz de la vida, la persona que no solo aprende cuando alguien decide abrir su boca, sino quien abre sus oídos; son esas personas que no solo conocen cual fue su error pero que también aprenden a no volver a cometerlo. Personas que buscan aprender de ellas mismas, del mundo que los rodea, no solo del que les interesa, personas capaces de abrir su entendimiento y capaces de ir y encontrar respuestas aún donde mil han entrado y han dicho, "Aquí no hay nada".
Así que la pregunta es, ¿Que tipo de aprendiz queremos ser en la vida?
Y recordar, que no son las muchas palabras, sino la luz en una de ellas.
Just now, I realized that the way I wrote this was so unexpected that literally just grabbed a paper and a pen and started writting, so it is in spanish because that is my language and I don't think I should change it or translate it because it could take a different sense or way to what I wrote.
I guess I was feeling really inspired but I don't even remember what was I inspired with... (deep breathe) I Supposed it doesn't really matter because I just wrote a pretty interesting lines right there.
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