It's a Fine, Fine Life! My Spring Break.
Hi, as you may noticed this week I'm joining a link-up hosted by Allie from Reckless in your love and I wanted to share a reason why I love life, as a part of the link-up, so here I go.
I went to this cool place/beach on "spring break" as some of you call it (I live in Latin America we don't but whatever haha) even though at first I really, really, didn't wanted to, I ended up going and I have to say thank God I went because it is an amzing place and I had a really relaxing and peaceful time!
So, here's the reflection in all of this (Welcome to my blog there is always a lesson to learn, must say welcome to my life!), I predispose myself to the trip my mom suggested and the real reason why I did't wanted to go was because we were going with people I was going to feel uncomfortable with (which was understandable) but what I tried to do was to learn how to be who I am with anybody and to held my head high anywhere even when I'm not feeling great. I need to be able to manage those situations when you feel like you're being judge or seen like a no one. So, I did that and I succed I didn't let anybody ruin my vacation and my time with my family, because at the end of the day I am who I am and the important people in my life love me the way I am; and I don't want to sound too sad about it but it was that way, actually it was more of something in my head, it was me believing that other person is better than me, when in reality.. just NO nobody is better than anybody, comparisons are one of the worst things we can do to ourselves. In conclusion (that sounded like me ending a report) let's enjoy the moments that we have to be happy, and let's ignore everything that came in our way to happiness 'cause it's just not worthy.
At the end of the day, I enjoyed the time I spent with my family and in that beautiful beach I just feel so blessed to have those moments in life when you can totally relax and not worry about anything, after all, it's a Fine, Fine Life!
Here are some pictures of my day at the beach! :) and I want to thank Allie for hosting te link-up, if you want to join you can go to this post!
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