Hi everyone! My name is Andrea and this is my little space on the internet.
In this blog I like to write some of my personal thoughts based on experiences about life, I also post some lifestyle stuff like Random Trip! , and I just love sharing some thoughts that might be helpful to others!
If you want to know a little bit more about my blog´s little story you can read my post about it here: My Blog Story! , I'm a girl who just loves to write that´s one of the reasons I started this blog. People is constantly telling me that I should express myself more so I found an easier way to do it by
writing it.
More About me:
This Blog is not specifically about me, but I want to share something about me if you are interested in knowing the heart behind the letters. I do not even know where to start, I am a random girl from El Salvador who's right now struggling with life but learning how to face it with the help of God.
I've had the blessing of being raised in my church by my mom and with an amazing church community, thats why I'm pretty much a trouble-less girl but that doesn't mean my life is perfect. So I'm the type of person who recognized that my only way out of bad circumstances in this life is trusting God.
My Blog:
I´m always trying to keep what I have learned in different moments of my life so that I could share those lessons and never forget where I was and who I was. You know in this life we need to enjoy the little, special moments that we have, we should appreciate the people around us, be grateful for what we have, and fight for what we want! That´s what this blog is about, Life, Happiness, Love, because no age nor other circumstance in our life should stop us from accomplishing the great purposes in our lives.
My Spanish posts:
If you are wondering why do I have some posts in Spanish is because I'm from El Salvador, which basically means my first language is Spanish. So, sometimes when a thought comes to my mind or I want to express myself a little bit better without having to modified my words, I just write and post in Spanish.
In this blog I like to write some of my personal thoughts based on experiences about life, I also post some lifestyle stuff like Random Trip! , and I just love sharing some thoughts that might be helpful to others!
If you want to know a little bit more about my blog´s little story you can read my post about it here: My Blog Story! , I'm a girl who just loves to write that´s one of the reasons I started this blog. People is constantly telling me that I should express myself more so I found an easier way to do it by
writing it.
More About me:
This Blog is not specifically about me, but I want to share something about me if you are interested in knowing the heart behind the letters. I do not even know where to start, I am a random girl from El Salvador who's right now struggling with life but learning how to face it with the help of God.
I've had the blessing of being raised in my church by my mom and with an amazing church community, thats why I'm pretty much a trouble-less girl but that doesn't mean my life is perfect. So I'm the type of person who recognized that my only way out of bad circumstances in this life is trusting God.
My Blog:
I´m always trying to keep what I have learned in different moments of my life so that I could share those lessons and never forget where I was and who I was. You know in this life we need to enjoy the little, special moments that we have, we should appreciate the people around us, be grateful for what we have, and fight for what we want! That´s what this blog is about, Life, Happiness, Love, because no age nor other circumstance in our life should stop us from accomplishing the great purposes in our lives.
My Spanish posts:
If you are wondering why do I have some posts in Spanish is because I'm from El Salvador, which basically means my first language is Spanish. So, sometimes when a thought comes to my mind or I want to express myself a little bit better without having to modified my words, I just write and post in Spanish.
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