The Divine Turn-around

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This post is inspired in a preaching that I heard earlier this year. It might be a little short but I hope it impact you at least a little bit.

Sometimes we are very comfortable or secure living in a rutine, maybe too comfortable. For example, in our life we have different rutines like in my case, from Monday to Friday I study, Saturday I help my mom at work all day, and on Sunday I go to Church; that is my rutine almost every week so I´m super used to it and very confortable with it. Everybody has their own rutine or maybe things or traditions that don´t change at all and sometimes its fine because maybe that way you have more organized your time or its more simple.
But what happens when something change? When your whole plans or idea of something just isn´t the way you expected, How do we react to changes?

It's important for you to ask yourself if something needs to change in your rutine or in your life, maybe you just need to improve things and in order to do that you have to repair or replace or even add something new.
Many times we live very comfortable in our perfect , old bubble, sometimes we expect God to be average or predictable or we think that the same old preaching is going to work for new generations... NEVER.. Im not saying let´s change the whole Bible, what I am saying is that God is so flexible and creative that we need to expect good news from unexpected places! Do not get stuck in the same songs, in the same chair or place, instead move along with God because he wants to take you to NEW places where you haven't been before, don't you want that?.. So be prepare, be ready because Divine Turn-Arounds are coming soon!!


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