Sharing is Caring!

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Sharing is Caring, that title sounds super cheeky but it's true. I did not had the chance to post something on Thanksgiving Day but I wanted to share my thoughts on what means to be grateful.
I know that everybody is talking about it and we are very tired of hearing all about it but let´s just stop and analize how thankful we should be for everything we have but also for everyone around us, the people that loves us and support us every moment, either joyful or rough moments.
Let's stop thinking about ourselves and our needs and let's show a grateful heart by being nice to others, you don't know what situations are happening around your friends and maybe a little gift, a smile, a hug, can make them feel better.. but wait, why don't we even know if that person is alright or not? Oh, because we are too busy to just take a time and ask that person how is she/he doing.. that is so sad, because maybe that person is always there for you and now you are just too busy for them? That kind of attitude in us should stop, and you know, we have to be nice and lovely not only with those we love but with anybody that might be in need. In need of love, in need of a friend, of a person who listens to them, remember that someday you might be in need of those things too and I am sure that God in heaven will remember every action you did to make other people happy!

So stop being selfish or stop thinking that showing your love and support for others is through an expensive gift, of course it is not, maybe a letter teling that person how awesome they are, teling them how big their purpose in life is, maybe that is enough. Just honesty, love and respect that is what you need to show how grateful you are with others, and with God for putting them in your life.

Let's start December with a smile for the people around you, let's spread love and happiness because as you give you are going to receive, and not only from those people but from God too :)


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