Graduation Ceremony|Graduation Secrets 2

Hey, Friday was such a nice yet confusing day for me, it represented one of my first greatest moments in life. 
It is official now; funny thing is that I didn't actually know what was going on, I really wasn't seeing the big picture as I call it, not until a couple of hours and lots of "congrats" later from everybody, did I understood the magnitude of my graduation ceremony.

Even when I was getting ready and when I get there I was so chilled out, too relaxed actually haha!
I started getting nervous when my name was mentioned to go up there and give a speech, I wrote it the night before and in the end I didn't even read it completely, the moment was too emotional and I just spoke from my heart. I was shaking a bit partly because I was wearing heels which is pretty weird on me but all of that went to second place when I started talking and giving thanks firstly to God for helping me to achieve this new success and also to all my teachers, and specially to my mother, ohh my God, I couldn't mentioned my mom without crying a bit, that was definitely the most emotional moment even for the people that was there. No jokes, almost everybody cried, my family, teachers, school officials, man and woman that didn't know me, it was such a surreal moment... I can't describe how I feel about it even now, it really was a special moment and it was even better 'cause I didn't expect it to be that way.
The only thing I know is that I'm so thankful for all the love and support that I received from everybody there, it was amazing, I knew many people like me but it was shocking how much love and positivism I received that day!   
I'll leave some photos from that day, and now I have to move on to the grad party..but that will be on another post!


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