Catching Up!

Ups, I did it again haha, (sorry it was inevitable to say) it has been like 3 months since my last post and *sigh* I´m not going to lie to myself and make up some pretty bad excuses, so, in order for me to get back to writting and posting I'm going to try to make a recap of this past 3 months of my life so here I go:

  • August:

Radio interview (Promotion for our business) such a great experience by the way! I've visited the radio like 5 times now and I love it, it seems to be one of those great jobs we all secretely want to have haha!

This captures our random "escapes" me and my mom take sometimes! You can appreciate how bad was this photo taken, it was for snapchat!

Photo of my foot, all credits for my friend haha, this was at the beach with her and her family! Catching up and taking a little break from everything :)

Here, in a night out with friends and that special *cough* someone...

Again at the beach, same week haha, just to explain why I went to the beach twice in a week: By that time it was some kind of holiday at my country so everybody invited us out!

  • September
By mid September I realized I needed to study for the exam I was having (in my country we do this obligatory exam of the 4 basic signatures and it's like the final step to graduate from high school).
So, that was basically what I did for like 2-3 weeks

Here I am in a lovely restaurant at the "San Salvador Volcanoe" *Great views*

With my little cousins realizing we are "shoe twins"

 Random photo in my phone of  Djokovic and Federer *cracks* in U.S. Open Final
Great match obviously haha, I couldn't keep this out of the September highlights!

Another Sunday Funday with my special someone...

  • October

14th and 15th... days of the exam! *I was nervous but at the same time confident*
By the way, results coming out 20/Nov. 
I took this photo after the exam whilst I was waiting for my mom to pick me up and I was just doing a lot of "thinking".

Another Random photo in my phone, capturing "le me" being a chocaholic haha guilty!

The cheesecake I made for my aunt's birthday last week :) It was delicious and I'm planning on spending more time cooking and baking!

Yep, I think that was basically it, no deep speech, zero emotional mess, just catching up!


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