Update and Changes...

Hey strange world of writting and posting haha, It´s being some time now since I have post anything.

I was checking on some of the last posts here and wow how much things can actually change in a couple of months! I don´t even know where to start... Should I say that I don´t have a bf anymore? or that I have a real job now? That my closest friends and I dont talk that much anymore? Should I say that next week I'm going to business school? 

It´s all different right? haha, but you know what, different doesn´t mean worst.

I´ve decided to continue writting, don´t know if I should post everything but definitely I´m going to take some time to write, it is sooo helpful and I need it a lot right now. 
Life has been good, I mean, a lot has change but I guess things have change for good, I have taken many important decisions and I´m happy to say I don´t regret anything :) 
For example, I have decided to start working, this happened almost 2 months ago, and I have to say it has been pretty nice to have this experience, to know a lot of new people and to earn my own money feels amazing, obviously this goes along with having a different lifestyle and a lot of more responsabilities but I can say that I´m comfortable and satisfied of where I am right now.
Also, with this new job, an opportunity to study on a business school was presented to me, I had just signed up for it, which would be a new experience also and I´m hoping for the best!

As you might imagine I have been more busy and many situations from the past 4 months made me take the decision to give my heart a break, let´s say it like that, so I´m not in a relationship anymore, which actually feels alright, I´ve realized that I don´t need some things in my life right now, I want to focus on myself, I want to effort for the things I want to achieve and as I knew from the beginning, it was bad timing to be in a relatonship, and it still is...

That´s the update basically, I have learned many, many stuff this past months and I´m going to share some new thoughts in here soon! 

Note to myself: In case no one reads this, remember this is a reminder for yourself, to realized where you were standing and to guide you where you want to go from here! 


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