My personal Advice for life...
This week I feel like sharing something that has been on my mind, some type of life advice (if you can call it like that).
Have you ever thought about your attitude? No, this post isn't about teenage bad attitude... at least it isn't my intention. But, let's think about that for a moment, I'm talking about the kind of attitude you have when someone points out that you are wrong, or when you are actually right but it feels like you need to tilt your head and close your mouth.
Andrea, what in the world are you talking about? Let me be more clear.. Sometimes, no matter our age or any other factor, we tend to express a negative-bad attitude when something isn't happening the way we planned/like, for example, in some point of our lives we are going to be working for someone which means everything you are going to do is going to be supervised by someone and there are going to be times when your work is not going to be "good enough" or just a complete "fail" for your boss (let´s ignore if he is right or not it is your boss, you are not supposed to be arguing with the one who can fire you)Then in that case, what would be your attitude? are you going to be able to accept your mistakes?
This scenario was actually very specific but think about sometime in your own context where someone was right about something and you weren't.. it is HARD to just accept your mistake because our natural being is very egocentric but I have learn something that I think is a life-lasting advice, to be HUMBLE, we are not perfect and we are going to make many mistakes and also in some point in our lives we are going to be under the position of somebody which means we need to learn to be humble so that we can be teach and be able to move on.
You know what's even harder? when even if you know you are right you need to have an attitude that transmits meakness and humility. why? just really think about it, do you want to be "that cocky person" that is not able to follow an instruction or to respects the opinion's of the others? because let me tell you, your path to success is going to be way harder if you choose to be that person.
I think that if we learn to be humble and to have self-control we are going to reach so many great things in life, I had experienced it, and it's definitely something we need to be aware of. The change in our attitude towards someone or some situation can give us the key to many success doors.
Maybe I'm not right with this for some people and that's totally acceptable but for those who feel a little bit identify with my thoughts this has might be refreshing to hear in order for us to keep growing as persons and keep moving forward, knowing how to deal with certain situations that are inevitables in life.
I hope this wasn't boring, but I just get to deep for a moment and kept going, sorry if it is a little bit long...
But that was it, the thought of the week LOL :)
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