Time Organizing...

Hey, I'm a little bit ashamed or just sad because I haven't made the time to post anything since my last post that was like 2 weeks ago.. and that made me think of how fast time flies and that how I spend my time and use it is up to me. So instead of creating excuses for my irresponsability on this blog, I will try to fix and solve anything that has kept me "too busy" to blog.

Basic rules to have an organized life..(by Andrea):

  • Select a notebook or agenda.
  • Schedule every task you need to complete on the day/week.
  • Try to set certain due dates for those tasks.
  • Learn how to know the time you have available and the time you will need for every task.
  • Put priority to the most important tasks.
  • If you've messed up with some time-goals you had, DON'T get stressed just find a way to adjust those goals in order for you to complete them.
  • Remember: Not everything is perfect, incidentals are always part of the task.
I believe that sometimes we surround ourselves with excuses to not take the risks that we are supposed to be taking or just to avoid doing something.
Let's stop this, because, how are we going to know if we could failed or succed if we never try?

Just a little reflection from this past weeks because that was happening to me, I convinced myself that I was too busy every single day I wanted to take time for a specific thing either blogging or complete a test that I'm missing; but you know what, I need to stop saying "I can't" at least I'm going to try my best!  

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Question?.. How do you organize your time?:)


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