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Comeback + Catchup after a year!

I´m here, writing again, apparently it´s still a way for me to let go off feelings and I do like it a lot... Every time I came back to this I get to see old posts and drafts I never get to post and it is so so interesting to check out what my thoughts were a year or two ago but also how many things changed in my life. I should catch up with a couple of things though haha, starting with I still have my job which I started over a year ago meaning I get to take my yearly vacations which were incredible! Also I have a bf now, I´m in a really nice relationship with an amazing guy who I deeply love and respect. I´m still not talking much with my old friends since last year which sucks but I´ve found ways to move on and honestly my work and college are making me a busy woman. I´ll try to get this blog page a new design and I´ll try to write more, I truly miss it and I know this post will be only seen by me since it´s boring but I wanted to start with something and I needed to cat...

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Catching Up!

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