Facing my problems..

Hello dear me, or anybody reading this! I know that the title basically explains what I'm going to talk about, and I wanted to talk about facing the problems because that's exactly what I'm suppose to be doing.. Facing them not hiding from them.
I don't know if anybody would relate to my siuation but here it goes, right now I'm hiding from the circumstances or problems in my life which is not right. Is not right for me because the longer I keep hiding, the longer those problems are going to stay there. This is something I don't ignore but, why do I keep hiding? There might be a lot of answers for that question, but the ones I know and understand right now are probably fear, weakness, lack of faith, insecurity, and yes, cowardly; things I'm not proud of having, but in order for me to face my giant/problems I need to recognize all those things and let them go. 
I'm not saying this is easy but it isn't impossible, so having fears of facing your giant, doesn't mean you will NEVER actually defeat it, but we need to learn to face the problem if we want to defeat it.
Right now I have already recognized my mistakes and recognized that I had been hiding from my problems but I'd also take the decision of face them and stop being scared about them because I know I can defeat them, and I know every battle makes me stronger everytime.

So, I just wanted to tell you that if you are having problems with facing your giant as I did, I want to invite you to let go off your fears and face the problems in order to defeat them so that they can finally leave your life. And also remember that all this lessons prepare you to keep moving forward!
What I'm learning is to keep my faith in Jesus because He had never let me down and He never will. So I will face my problems and I know God is going to be there to fight the battle for me!

Comment below what are your ways to face your problems.. :)


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