Fave of the week- Pointless Book

The Pointless Book by Alfie Deyes, an English Youtuber :) ! Random fact about me: I'm right now a Youtube fan and one of my favorite youtubers is Alfie Deyes aka PointlessBlog

Last year on September or October, can't remember exactly, but his book was release! For him and every supporter was very exciting you know, the fact that he was able to release his own book is just insane and even though is not the typical book with a huge-emotinal story (totally the opposite) it is a massive accomplishment. But I need to stop my excitement moment to just talk about what the book is really about :)

As I've already mention, it is called "The Pointless Book" and its a book full of random little goals you need to complete, like little fun missions. From a simple "would you rather" page to "Make this yoga positions with a friend" is absolutely fun! It is very different and it allows you to get out of your comfort zone or just being able to complete it with a friend and just take your time to do it. One of the cool things about this book is how much it plays along with technology, for example: in some pages you can scan on some icons with your phone using an app from the book that you can easily download and its free, So for some challenges you can scan on the icon and see a video of Alfie doing the challenge you're about to complete. I think this was such a great idea because it makes it very interactive which is generally what most of the subscribers want.

I just want to add that a good friend gave it to me as my late-Christmas gift because it was a little hard to be able to get it from the U.S to my country, but the excitement I was feeling when she actually told me about it was just ... like.. it leave me speechless! So if maybe you know someone that will enjoy some type of book like this one, I totally recommend The Pointless Book! Order the Book here!

Ps: I've heard Pointless Book 2 is coming soon!!
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