Ten years from now..

This post is inspired by a video I saw yesterday,

The title practically gives it all... Imagine yourself ten years from now. 
Scary isn't it? At least for me it is, and more than scary it is just confusing. Because I'm not the type of person that all their lives had already know what are they going to do or be, I'm just very confuse about the whole future stuff and that's why I felt like I could relate with Will's and Alfie's videos, because even though I'm not in my 20's yet, a whole new chapter in my life is going to appear. I'm 2 months away from graduating from high school... 2 bloodymonths, I totally feel like time has gone super fast this year, is unbelievable but the point in all this is the fact that I might not have a big plan for the future 28 year old me but I do know things in general that I don't want to be doing at that age and things I want to have done! 

For example:
I want to be loving my job! 
I want to be helping my society. 
I want to be at least engaged to someone.
I want to have succeeded on CFNI. (The institute I'm planning on going next year)
I want to be able to be part of the succes of my mom's businesses.
I would love to travel to at least 5 of the countries on my bucket list in the next years. 
I would want to have been on one of the next Football World Cups!
At that age I don't want to lost and lonely.
I would hate not been doing things that I love like writting.
I might also want to had written a book by that year. 
(Hey, remember we are allow to dream and to dream big!) 

.. SO many things that I can start imagining, but when it comes to think about specific plans or specific job I just don't know what God is going to present to my life for the next years. I just need to keep calm and dont panic about my future or to feel afraid about failure,all I need to know is that God's plans are perfect and He has an amazing plan for my life so, I'll just leave that on His hands!
I just have one more thing to remind myself, don't quit, keep on fighting to be able to discover who you are and what amazing things you'll be doing by the time you turn 28.


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