Not rushing| It's a Fine, Fine Life!
Hi :) just as some random note: I'm writting this at 11:23 on a Wednesday after having completed homework finally. Feeling very tired but still wanted to add my post to this week's link-up! Back to normal post...
I was thinking what to write for this week on the link-up and nothing really come to my mind. Until this morning, when someone threw the truth right to my face by saying that in apparently 6 weeks I'll be out of school, like, FOREVER. Don't get me wrong, is not like I haven´t thought about it but I'm a person that doesn't freak out until the very last second. So, as this was on my head all day, I realized,as well, how much I'm keeping myself from enjoying little yet nice things every day and I can't let myself do that, I need to enjoy my last weeks with my friends in school and just this stage of my life that is about to end, because this day has already flew by, and I can't stop time for as much as I want to, can't go back in time. After all, it's a fine, fine life and I need to enjoy it to the fullest and as cliché as it sounds "no regrets" you know, I don't want to keep waiting until Friday to drink my favorite beverage or wait until another opportunity to tell a friend how much I appreciate them, 'cause unfortunately I don't know when am I going to see them again.
So, I've challenged myself to just go for it, I need to enjoy every day, every moment as if it was my last!
and you, are you enjoying life as you should?
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