
Hey, so I wanted to share an "experience" with you, if I can call it like that.. 
On Saturday I went to an event from a college with some of my classmates because we where invited to go and get to know the activities and the lifestyles of the students in the college. I have to say it was a pretty good experience, we met new people from other schools and we get to experienced the college activities which were very interesting (this is like a communications & marketing college). They divided us in groups and then we went on a series of stations with different "challenges" of photography, publicity design and others. If I feel like it I'll probably talk about it on another post, but rigt now I want to focus on something that happened there. I went to the bathroom when all the activities where over and.. I had the GREAT idea of holding my phone with my neck and my chin (I don't know how to explain it) and oh well, surprise, surprise, my phone ended up wet and not working!! I was so frustrated and annoyed with myself, like really, really? I know that this happens to a lot of people but that's why it's even more ridiculous because I've always imagine that happening to me but ... just .. this time it actually happened and I couldn't do much so I just tried to calm down and I went to the place where everyone was eating lunch because this things happen you know.

So, in conclusion, I have no phone right now, and this is the experience I was talking about, having no phone, no notification, no distraction, no chats (just the ones by tw when I'm in my laptop), but you get the point. Sometimes I really feel like my head is so ---- in blank when I get home from school and I have nothing to "check" on Instagram or Snapchat it's just so different, and don't get me wrong I'm not completely complaining because as a good thing, I feel like I have more time, I'm more productive and I can actually think about others things now rather than just check my phone every 10 minutes! 
This is kind of a reminder for me of how much time I spent using my phone, time that definitely doesn't go back and most of it is just a waste. this has been good and bad you know 'cause I've get to do more things and just really think more clearly without being connected to my social networks all day.
But, it has been bad because of all the tools and things I could do faster with my phone like: searching for an adress, look for information very quickly and just being able to contact so many people.. but oh well, there's a life right there without all this things and I have decided to just enjoy this phone-less moment! Hopefully soon I'll get a new one :) 
Now, a question: How long do you think you'll resist phone-less? or are you just not into it that much?


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