Fine few Days

Hi,Today I just want to share about my simply but kind of awesome weekend!
I've also realized I have taken a considerable amount of pictures of this weekend so that will help for this post, I hope you enjoy it !

The reason why I'm talking about this it's not because I just didn't had anything else to post, but because I truly feel like dispite the simpleness in things like this weekend you can always see the brighter and beautiful side of anything if you want to, and this past few days hadn't been specially special but there's this feeling of happiness, joy and peace even though as I'm writting this I've realized it has been happiness through the darkness of a lost in my family. And I think that's why I'm so grateful for my family and for having a very nice days even though times had been hard, and emotions are exploding everywhere right now, but I have been feeling really amazing this past few days, just like even if situations in my life might have turned harder, I feel happier. It's something that I can't describe very well. 

Thing is, I'll leave some pics for you to see and a list of things that happened to me this weekend, not mentioning good or bad, just what happened. And I'm grateful for every single one of them!


  • Babysitted a little girl that I met a day before.. long story.. ask me on tw! 
  • No School (Thank God)
  • More babysitting at Wendy's
  • Received the news that my aunt (grandma's sister) passed away (She was already very sick aka cancer, but I understand she is not suffering more and she's in a better place now).
  • Did this: 
  • More babysitting, including waking up at 12:00 am because she was thirsty, then woke up at 1:30 because she had pee on my bed, finally getting new EVERYTHING for my bed to be able to go back to sleep (weird experience, since my brother is now 13 which means tht is not a part of my daily basis)
  • As usual I helped on my mom's salon
  • Babysit the little girl and my little cousin as well. #babysitteroftheyear
  • Last FCBarcelona's "La Liga" game of the season, last one for Xavi Forever.
  • FCB Celebration as Champions! (La Liga)
  • JuventusFC Celebration as Champions (Serie A) ps: I'm a soccer fan!
  • Spend a lot of time thinking whilst we were driving back home from my other aunt's house.
  • Youtube Session

  • Went to church (So good, a Preacher that comes every year was there, he's one of the most funny persons I've ever met)
  • My mom and I went to a lunch to celebrate this preacher's birthday (Hilarious).
  • Reunited with my friend Rut at the lunch, and then we went for a Crepe!
  • Went to a beautiful Coffe/Vivarium with my mom and a friend from Costa Rica.
  • Decided that I was too tired to do some un-finished work.
  • Finally take some rest time.
So , that was basically it! How was your weekend? :)


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