My Mom| It's a Fine, Fine life!
Hey! :) I just wanted to say that I've been kind of busy with homework and other stuff but I want to keep on posting weekly. I feel like I have many ideas but I need to take the time to make all of those things happen, let's hope this week to be a productive one!
As said before, due to "me being busy" I didn't even had the chance to write about Mother's Day which feels like a big fail as a daughter haha, but reality is that we should be thankful with our moms every single day.
Today I want to talk about my amazingly hardworker and beautiful mom, she's probably the most important person in my lfe I mean, no jokes without her guidance and without her being exactly her I'll probably be a different person. When I think about her I can only think of this Integral Woman, that´s exactly how I would describe her. Why Integral? ..For the simple, yet amazing fact that she reflects everything you could think of a complete woman; she's a fighter, she is patient, kind, funny, generous, wise, she has moral ethic, she is hardworker, she's beautiful, she loves fashion yet she recognizes a good heart before a pretty face, she's even a good driver, a great chef but her best attribute for me is how much she loves God and a reflection of that is the way her strenght and wisdom comes from Him. She has been the best and perfect mother for me, and I own her a lifetime of honors for being just the way she is and for always put me and my brother as priorities.
I cannot express with words how thankful I am for her, she is my role model, she is my inspiration, she is the one who has taught me how to fight situations back, after everything we've been through, I can only thank God for her life because if I could choose between an "easier life" but with other parents and keeping my mom with me in any situation, I would choose been with her.
Dear mom, if you read this one day, I hope I could have make you a proud mom, thank you for being such an amazing person full of knowledge, life and love for everyone.. I love you..!
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