Family Time, Happy time?

Hi everyone, today was a very Family-time kind of day and I started thinking about how much we should appreciate this kind of days and it might sound very cheeky but it's true. Sometimes we don't realize how important are this moments in life, this moments are the ones that we are probably going to remember 5 or 10 years from now. Today I see it like that because I am going through a very tough situation with my family and a lot of things had change, so right now I do appreciate the fact that I can see my mom smiling and forgetting for a while all the daily routine stuff which is my happiness as well, being able to see her smile and relax for a while or at least pretending she is. It sounds really depressive but it is what it is and for me those things are good to see. I've been trying to be positive through this situation and I believe that this kind of circumstances are the ones who make us stronger and make us exactly that, to appreciate a smile, a laugh, a trip with the family, your friends, health, just everything. Being able to truly thank God everyday for everything you have and to trust that He is the answer to all your problems; that nothing, nothing is impossible to Him, that makes me feel in peace and keep that positivity everyday. In conclusion, that's what I wanted to transmit through this words, that we should always be thankful and be able to appreciate the little, yet happy moments with your family because no matter what your problem is right now, nothing will replace feeling the love that your family transmits to you. So I invite you to give all that love back, and let's open our eyes to what we have not to what is missing in our lives! 


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