Fave of the week-NY Memories Idea!

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Hey, this week I'm talking about New Years goals and the importante of appreciate the moments as the years seem to be going too fast so I thought that I could share with you an idea that I saw on We Heart It. Okay, it consists in writting down in little papers all the good things that happen to you through the year and then save all the little papers on a jar so that on New Years Eve 2015 you could open the jar and read all the good things that happened to you this year! I thought this was an incredible idea and I'm definitely going to do it as I think is a great way to remember at the end of the year the moments, persons, and things that really matter to you through the year. I hope you like the idea and remember that you can chage it a little bit, for example instead of a jar you can use a box or anything else, well make it the way you like it and enjoy doing it through this year! 

From We Heart It.


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