New Years Resolutions!

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Hi everyone, I really wanted to share with you about my New Years Resolution or kind of talk about this. 
You know, when thinking about new goals for this new year most of the time we don't put too much effort to made them as well as when we try to achieve them. But why? Why don't we follow our goals and try our best through the year to see, at the end of the year, the results that we wanted when we dreamed about them? Because personally, this year 2014 I set goals that I wanted to achieve but as I look back through the year I have ignored most of them which made me question myself and asked myself, "Andrea, what happened, do you even remember why dont you effort enough to persue your goals?" I don't know if its just me but I did felt a little dissapointed about myself, which is probably the reason why  my main resolution for this new year is to achieve most of the goals I have set and to see those results at the end of the year so that on Decembre 2015 I can say to myself: "Andrea, I´m proud of you and what you have achieved".
So, I just want you to remember that is not going to be an easy way, and that there are going to be issues or walls that are going to try to stop us from reach those goals but only if we are capable of keep moving forward no matter what comes and we stay true to ourselves and keep the decision of reach new things, then at that point we are going to see the results that we wanted and that feeling, believe me I want to be able to feel that, the feeling of happiness and excitement and just feel proud of yourself.. Ohh, I can't wait to start this year and follow my goals. I hope you can understand my point of view and that you can relate with what I'm talking about. So, I wish you all a Happy New Year full of success!!



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