Fave of the week!-Want to be a winner?
Hi everyone, this week I wanted to share with you something that my teacher send to me and really got me thinking. It's kind of a reminder of the differences between a winner and a loser,and sometimes we have had the attitude of a loser but we need to stop and think about our actions and attitudes because those things might determined if we are making ourselves winners in life or losers. It sounds a bit tough but its actually something very true so here it is:
When a winner has made a mistake, he recognized it and learns a lesson.
When a loser has made a mistake he blames others about something that is his fault.
A winner knows that adversity is the best teacher.
A loser feels like a victim facing adversity.
A winner knows that the final results depend on him.
A loser believes in bad luck.
A winner works hard and also is able to take time for himself.
A loser is always "too busy" and doesn't even have time for anyone.
A winner face challenges one by one.
A loser plays around and never gives one a try.
A winner commits to his word and stays true to it.
A loser makes lots of promises and when he fails he only justifies himself.
A winner says: " I'm good but I want to be better".
A loser says: " I'm not too bad, just as other people is".
A winner listen, understand and answers.
A loser only waits until he gets a chance to speak.
A winner respects others who know more than him and learns from them.
A loser ignores those who know more than him and critize them.
A winner feels responsable for much more than only "his job".
A loser never commits and says: "I'm only doing my job".
A winner says: "there most be a better way to do it".
A loser says: "this is the way we have always done it".
A winner looks at the big picture.
A loser only sees the part where he has to work on.
A winner is part of the answer.
A loser is part of the problem.
Cuando un ganador comete un error, dice: "Yo me equivoque" y aprende la lección.
Cuando un perdedor comete un error, dice: "No fue mi culpa" y se la hecha a otros.
Un ganador sabe que la adversidad es el mejor de los maestros.
Un perdedor se siente una víctima ante la adversidad.
Un ganador sabe que el resultado de las cosas depende de él.
Un perdedor cree que la mala suerte sí existe.
Un ganador trabaja muy fuerte y se genera mas tiempo para sí mismo.
Un perdedor esta siempre "muy ocupado" y no tiene tiempo ni para los suyos.
Un ganador enfrenta los retos uno a uno.
Un perdedor le da vueltas y no se atreve a intentarlo.
Un ganador se compromete, da su palabra y la cumple.
Un perdedor hace promesas, no asegura nada y cuando falla solo se justifica.
Un ganador dice: "Yo soy bueno, pero voy a ser mejor".
Un perdedor dice: "Yo no soy tan malo como lo es mucha otra gente".
Un ganador escucha, comprende y responde.
Un perdedor solo espera hasta que le toque su turno para hablar.
Un ganador respeta a aquellos que saben más que él y trata de aprender algo de ellos.
Un perdedor se resiste con aquellos que saben mas que él y solo se fija en sus defectos.
Un ganador se siente responsable por algo más que su trabajo solamente.
Un perdedor no se compromete y siempre dice, "Yo sólo hago mi trabajo"
Un ganador dice, "Debe haber una mejor forma de hacerlo..."
Un perdedor dice, "Esta es la manera en que siempre lo hemos hecho".
Un ganador se fija en "cómo se ve la pared en su totalidad".
Un perdedor se fija "en el ladrillo que le toca colocar".
Un ganador es parte de la solución.
Un perdedor es parte del problema.
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